Política de envío


We currently only ship to the United States and Canada.
Please note that all shipping times are estimates and depend on local postal services. Shipping costs will be automatically calculated at checkout based on your location and selected shipping method.

Once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track the progress of your order through our website or directly on the carrier's website.

Standard (orders under $39.99): $5.90
Standard (orders over $39.99): Free shipping
International Shipping: 7-14 business days

You will receive a confirmation email after placing your order. Please note that the shipping address cannot be changed or edited after an order has been placed. Orders will be processed within 1 - 2 business days after payment is confirmed. All domestic orders are shipped Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Orders placed after 3 PM (EST) Monday through Friday are generally processed the next business day. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are processed the next business day.


As we are unable to advise the exact amount of custom and duty fees, buyers are responsible for all customer and duty fees that may occur to the order once it has reached the destination.